Monday 19 September 2016

30 online computer peripheral shopping

It generates different types of  bills. Multiple user can use this system.
User Friendly reports and bills. Modify records easily.

12 Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System
The Health Care Management system is a window based or stand alone application designed with ASP.Net to keep records of patient in and out of a clinic. It is also designed to keep records of staffs in the clinic and report generation is also available for hard copy documentation if needed.
This Project can be used to keep track of the patients registering in a hospital or clinic. Also this system supports accessing the previous visit histories of any patient, search for patients by name and other properties etc. Health Care Management system will support registering patients.
Users of this software can search for patients by name, admission date, discharge date etc. Users can view the previous visit histories of any patient. This system can maintain the list of doctors in the hospital and also can maintain the list of beds/rooms available in the hospital. Patients are categorized into "In Patients" and "Out Patients".
  • Patients Module
    • In Patients
    • Out Patients
  • Doctors Module
  • Visitors Module
  • Out Patients Appointments
Tools Used:
Front EndBack End
ASP .NetSQL Server 2005
VB.NetSQL Server 2005

download Project Report and paper presention  of CSE Hospital management VB project.

23.Vehicle Tracking System

This project is showing information of Vehicle details, booking and vehicle status details and delivery details. Admin module is used to view how many load vehicle and travelling vehicles are in our company and vehicle number and name of the vehicle.
Booking module is used to get customer needs. It includes the name, address, which type of vehicle customer wants. If load vehicle is selected then customer mentioned the tones and destination place. Else travel vehicle is selected then customer mentioned how many persons are travelled and destination place.
In vehicle status module is used to view which vehicles are booked and not booked and running. Delivery details module is used to specify delivery status of the vehicle.
  • Login
  • Admin
  • Load Booking
  • Vehicle Status details
  • Delivery Details

Software specifications:

The S/W requirements for the system are:
  • Windows 2000
  • Java2SDK 1.4
  • Java Media Framework (JMF) 1.4
  • ORACLE 8i for database engineering
  • Camera drivers 
Download Vehicle Tracking System Project With Code

Sunday 18 September 2016

38. File Shredder


This article describes a C style shredder in C# .NET.
Pizza van with tinted windows parked across the road for days? Strange clicking sound on the landline? Crooked CEO maybe? Then this is exactly the tool you have been searching for..


I originally published v1 in VB6 as 'SDS' on Planet Source Code.

NShred 2.0

I decided to rewrite the SDS file shredder as one of my first forays into the C# .NET language, the reason being that it is a fairly compact and class-driven application. This time around, however, not being saddled with the limitations of the VB6 language, I was able to create a faster and more thorough application engine. ThecShredder class is almost completely Win32 driven, using virtual memory buffers and the WriteFile API to overwrite the file with several passes of 0s, 1s, and random data. After some initial preamble of file path checks, attribute stripping, and enabling key access tokens within the process, we create the buffer:
hFile = CreateFileW(pName, GENERIC_ALL, FILE_SHARE_NONE, 
        IntPtr.Zero, OPEN_EXISTING, WRITE_THROUGH, IntPtr.Zero);
// get the file size
nFileLen = fileSize(hFile);
if (nFileLen > BUFFER_SIZE)
    nFileLen = BUFFER_SIZE;
if (hFile.ToInt32() == -1)
    return false;
// set the table
SetFilePointerEx(hFile, 0, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
pBuffer = VirtualAlloc(IntPtr.Zero, nFileLen, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pBuffer == IntPtr.Zero)
    return false;
// fill the buffer with zeros
RtlZeroMemory(pBuffer, nFileLen);
Once the buffer is allocated and written to, call the overwriteFile method that uses WriteFile to overwrite the contents in buffered 'chunks'. Note that the file was opened with the WRITE_THROUGH flag, which causes the file to be written through the buffers and straight to disk. Also, all APIs used are of the 'W' flavor, so the shredder should be fully Unicode compliant.
private Boolean overwriteFile(IntPtr hFile, IntPtr pBuffer)
    UInt32 nFileLen = fileSize(hFile);
    UInt32 dwSeek = 0;
    UInt32 btWritten = 0;

        if (nFileLen < BUFFER_SIZE)
            SetFilePointerEx(hFile, dwSeek, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
            WriteFile(hFile, pBuffer, nFileLen, ref btWritten, IntPtr.Zero);
                SetFilePointerEx(hFile, dwSeek, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
                WriteFile(hFile, pBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, ref btWritten, IntPtrZero);
                dwSeek += btWritten;
            } while ((nFileLen - dwSeek) > BUFFER_SIZE);
            WriteFile(hFile, pBuffer, (nFileLen - dwSeek), ref btWritten, IntPtr.Zero);
        // reset file pointer
        SetFilePointerEx(hFile, 0, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
        // add it up
        if ((btWritten + dwSeek) == nFileLen)
            return true;
        return false;
        return false;
The buffers are filled first with zeros, then ones, random data, then zeros again; this ensures that even with the most sophisticated software techniques, using a modern hard drive, all data will be rendered permanently unreadable. The random data phase uses the Crypto API to fill the buffer; intended for secure key creation, it also works well in this implementation.
private Boolean randomData(IntPtr pBuffer, UInt32 nSize)
    IntPtr iProv = IntPtr.Zero;

        // acquire context
        if (CryptAcquireContextW(ref iProv, "", MS_ENHANCED_PROV, 
            return false;
        // generate random block
        if (CryptGenRandom(iProv, nSize, pBuffer) != true)
            return false;
        return true;
        // release crypto engine
        if (iProv != IntPtr.Zero)
            CryptReleaseContext(iProv, 0);
One thing that most open source shredders I have seen fail to do, is to verify the read on the file. This is accomplished by comparing the buffer with the file contents using RtlCompareMemory:
private Boolean writeVerify(IntPtr hFile, IntPtr pCompare, UInt32 pSize)
    IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
    UInt32 iRead = 0;

        pBuffer = VirtualAlloc(IntPtr.Zero, pSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
        SetFilePointerEx(hFile, 0, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
        if (ReadFile(hFile, pBuffer, pSize, ref iRead, IntPtr.Zero) == 0)
            if (InError != null)
                InError(004, "The file write failed verification test.");
            return false; // bad read
        if (RtlCompareMemory(pCompare, pBuffer, pSize) == pSize)
            return true; // equal
        return false;
        if (pBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
            VirtualFree(pBuffer, pSize, MEM_RELEASE);
After the overwrite cycles, the file is then zero sized ten times, and renamed thirty times:
private Boolean zeroFile(IntPtr pName)
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        IntPtr hFile = CreateFileW(pName, GENERIC_ALL, FILE_SHARE_NONE,
            IntPtr.Zero, OPEN_EXISTING, WRITE_THROUGH, IntPtr.Zero);
        if (hFile == IntPtr.Zero)
            return false;
        SetFilePointerEx(hFile, 0, IntPtr.Zero, FILE_BEGIN);
        // unnecessary but..
    return true;

private Boolean renameFile(string sPath)
    string sNewName = String.Empty;
    string sPartial = sPath.Substring(0, sPath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
    Int32 nLen = 10;
    char[] cName = new char[nLen];
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        for (Int32 j = 97; j < 123; j++)
            for (Int32 k = 0; k < nLen; k++)
                if (k == (nLen - 4))
                    sNewName += ".";
                    sNewName += (char)j;
            if (MoveFileExW(sPath, sPartial + sNewName, 
                sPath = sPartial + sNewName;
            sNewName = String.Empty;
    // last step: delete the file
    if (deleteFile(sPath) != true)
        return false;
    return true;
For the truly paranoid user, there is a hidden startup switch, '/p', that enables the paranoid mode. With this setting, after the overwrite cycles, the files object identifier is deleted, effectively orphaning the file from the file and security subsystems:
private Boolean orphanFile(IntPtr pName)
    UInt32 lpBytesReturned = 0;
    IntPtr hFile = CreateFileW(pName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_NONE,
        IntPtr.Zero, OPEN_EXISTING, WRITE_THROUGH, IntPtr.Zero);
    if (DeviceIoControl(hFile, FsctlDeleteObjectId, IntPtr.Zero, 
        0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out lpBytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero))
        return false;
    return true;

Saturday 17 September 2016

13.Hostel Management

It’s an advanced Hostel Management System Project for multiple hostels management written in VB.Net as front end and MS Access 2010 as Back end.
Main Features are:
  1. Hostelers
    1. Profile Entry
    2. Extra Services Entry
    3. Services Entry
    4. Allocation and De-Allocation
    5. Extend Agreement
    6. Change Hostel and Change room within same hostel
  2. Transaction
    1. Transaction Entry
    2. Purchased Inventory
    3. Payment Voucher
  3. Caution Money Receipt
  4. Payment Voucher Receipt
  5. Quotation Receipt
  6. Fee Payment slip
  7. Hosteler 's Report Card
  8. Users
    1. Registration
    2. Change Password
    3. Password Recovery
  9. Advance Records Searching
  10. Advance Reports
Login Information:
User Name - admin
Password - 12345
Requirements - Visual Studio 2010 and Crystal Report for VS 2010 must be installed on your system to run this Project Successfully

10.Multi Real Estate Business Corporation

This project written in VB.NET10 as front end and MS Access as back end. This is useful for
Real Estate Record Managemt Record with pdf of 7/12 or Layout of Gat No./sarve No. you can
view any time & xerox it direct to xerox machine & search by Gat No / Sarve No / Shivar / Plot No etc.

10.Restaurant Management System

Restaurant Module
Quick Restaurant billing , Bills & Receipts
Food costing of dishes with profit ratio
Many reports for day to day management of restaurants such as raw materials, sales, stock, etc.
Table Change
Waiter Change
Order Cancel
Day , Monthly Report
Waiter Sales Report
Back end
Mysql Server
Server Name :localhost
Server Username :root
Server Password:
Admin Login :
Username :admin
Password :admin
Biller Login :
Username :biller
Password :biller

34.Image Converter

The following VB.NET project contains the source code and VB.NET examples used for Image Converter Fast Edition. Convert image to text and vice versa very fast. This is an update of Image Protector.
The source code and files included in this project are listed in the project files section, please make sure whether the listed source code meet your needs there.

Project Files: 

File NameSize
Image to text.exe37376
Image to text.pdb60928
Image to text.vshost.exe14328
Image to text.vshost.exe.manifest490
Image to text.xml125
Image to text.vbproj5169
Image to text.vbproj.user74
Image to text.exe37376
Image to text.pdb60928
Image to text.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt3063
Image to text.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache847
Image to text.xml125
My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll7680
Image to text.sln929
Image to text.suo17920
print screen.JPG35348

download source code: 

Package icon 32724.zip149.93 KB