Monday 19 September 2016

23.Vehicle Tracking System

This project is showing information of Vehicle details, booking and vehicle status details and delivery details. Admin module is used to view how many load vehicle and travelling vehicles are in our company and vehicle number and name of the vehicle.
Booking module is used to get customer needs. It includes the name, address, which type of vehicle customer wants. If load vehicle is selected then customer mentioned the tones and destination place. Else travel vehicle is selected then customer mentioned how many persons are travelled and destination place.
In vehicle status module is used to view which vehicles are booked and not booked and running. Delivery details module is used to specify delivery status of the vehicle.
  • Login
  • Admin
  • Load Booking
  • Vehicle Status details
  • Delivery Details

Software specifications:

The S/W requirements for the system are:
  • Windows 2000
  • Java2SDK 1.4
  • Java Media Framework (JMF) 1.4
  • ORACLE 8i for database engineering
  • Camera drivers 
Download Vehicle Tracking System Project With Code

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